
Synchronicity in the City: Why Art, Why a World? by Sam Abelow

I inspect the meticulous layers and sophisticated use of color: “The discipline and commitment to a particular mode and approach in a serious way, makes EJ’s works art.” I pause, “The paintings seem rather buyable to me. There’s a decorative value to them. I could imagine a young live streamer with expendable income putting that lime green one on the wall.” Another pause, “And then, there's also effort and intention involved. One person makes a doodle on the back of their homework, another invests a year investigating doodles on large format canvases and puts it in a gallery for commercial sale. Is not the intention and follow-through relevant to what defines art?”

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Jewish Art in Times of War: How We Can Creatively Combat Antisemitism by Sam Abelow

On October 7th, about two weeks before this excursion described above, Hamas infamously attacked civilians in Southern Israel. The terrorists performed barbaric acts. The mystic asks: Where is this Hamas in me? That is the red fox. My own inner animal, which when left untamed, can do the unspeakable.

I traveled to the university museum on a Wednesday. That previous Saturday, as the Sabbath came to a close, my friend Levi Paris asleep upstairs, I flipped through the New Yorker – a magazine subscription my parents have had for decades. The very last page was an advertisement for an exhibition at the local university gallery: In Real Times - Arthur Szyk:

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Summer Painting Retreat: Fruition of the Soul by Sam Abelow

I began the summer painting season (June 21) with a succession of varied works on paper: my princess, a metaphor for the soul, in a state of gem-like regal serenity. I slashed away at old canvases with oil sticks, inspired by the Spencer Lewis Russel and Oscar Murillo paintings.

What did these two disparate interests have in common? (That is, the Princess-Soul, and these rugged modern painters) The Feminine Archetype, of course.

According to the model of psychologist C.G. Jung, as well as Jewish Mystical thought (Chassidut), the feminine is symbolized by earth. Painting utilizes earthly substances – oils and pigment. [Note from Johaness, editor: Heidegger speaks of painting as “earth”/”dirt”.] Therefore painting is an investigation of the feminine domain – an expression of the uniting of the intellectual & physical, the spiritual & material, a Uniting of Heaven & Earth, of the Masculine & Feminine.

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Naudline Cluvie Pierre's Paintings and the Interwoven Black and Jewish Histories by Sam Abelow

This essay explores how Naudline Cluvie Pierre’s mystical paintings have a profound impact on the expression of blackness in America. Written from the perspective of a Jewish-American author, it uncovers the intricate connections between black and Jewish histories, highlighting their respectful interactions and distinct yet intertwined experiences.

By examining Pierre's symbolism, such as serpents, faces, and flames, the essay delves into the artist's ability to evoke profound narratives of transformation. It celebrates Pierre's role in creating a space where black audiences find representation while fostering a universal sense of connection that transcends cultural boundaries.

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A Heroic Sort of Journey by Sam Abelow

I have felt a sense of chaos and disorder and pain in my life. I produce talismans to help myself with this. These images harness emotion and bring coherence to my fragmented sense of world and self. Today, after many years of working with symbolic images, I have obtained a more clear sense of self – recognizing my Jewish ancestry and ethnic identity. Art is my way of communicating: I want to help transform and develop our collective conversations and impact individual lives, which are interconnected through culture.

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